Wednesday, November 26, 2008

i need to dunk myself in a vat of emollient

(toadstool from chasingfireflies)

i've been a mad-hatter the past few days.
i feel like my life has been an oxymoron the past few days:-
accomplished-truckloads of work undone; messy-neat; on target-lost.
its all quite ironic really. 
anyhow, i'm telling myself to hang in there. i'm looking forward to my whole day with andrew on friday, test on saturday (its weird i know, to be looking forward to a test. its not because i'm super prepared, but because its the last test of my sem!), lysa's birthday on sunday, last min-prep on monday, conference on tuesday, korea on tuesday. (:
rewind back to reality, vetting the camper for the youth camp and conference prep.
i need to dunk myself in a vat of emollient (did i mention that?)

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