Tuesday, September 30, 2008

bronto stamp

when the girls and i had our sushi buffet, guess who we saw? elmo and cookie at nydc for dessert! (:

Thursday, September 25, 2008

oh my goodness this is so cool!

ingredients for a chocolate cake in 5 minutes!
  • 4 tbsp cake flour
  • 4 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tbsp cocoa 
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tbsp milk
  • 3 tbsp cooking oil
  • mug
by dizzy dee via craftzine!

i'm so going to have to try this!!!!


i recently re-acquainted myself with some childhood craft stuff. the top 2 pictures are shots of a sticker machine. its actually sherwin's but i'm keeping it for uh...safekeeping. haha. and i recently found my hama beads! sherwin and i have been making loads of hama bead stuff. he made ben 10 omnitrix thinga-ma-jigs and what-nots.

i've been making...
that is for andrew. the next few pictures are squiggletown preview sneaks. as in i haven't even posted these sneaks on squiggletown yet, but seeing as how you found my blog, here are the sneaks beforehand. (:
pretty yummy ain't it? (: super psyched about it.

ohh. and shots of me attempting to study at the front porch. there's a shot of my new swan pencil case and red nike waterbottle. which reminds me, tonnes of assignments due soon! got a study session with the girls tmr before we reward ourselves with shopping and sushi. yum!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

coffeecups and moocows

i know this sounds quite silly, but i scrapped this cup with all intent of using it as it is meant to be, a coffeecup. but this was a freebie and as freebies sometimes go, it smelt somewhat weird. so i decided not to use it afterall. now i'm wondering what to do with the nice scrapped sheet that i put inside. perhaps i shall craft it into a sort of abstract notebook...i mean one could never have enough notebooks right? :D

got tonnes of work to do.
there is church tmr.
i need to exercise and take my vits.
they say exercise isn't really the cure to cellulite.
i wonder if that is true.
"they" meaning the loreal ad for their cellulite cream.
so maybe the info isn't trustworthy.
i need a spa...or a scrub.
i need to get offline.

Friday, September 19, 2008

The Land of Checkmate (v.2)

Once upon a time in the Land of Chess, there were two opposing townships – White and Black. The two townships albeit near, were as different as day and night; good and evil. The King and Queen of Township White were gracious, Godly and good. The King and Queen of Township Black however were malicious, Machiavellian and malignant.

Legend has it that a long time ago, the two townships were actually one united country. One of the princes decided that he was as good, if not better than the King and should be the one ruling. He staged a revolt that ended in his exile. Along with him, he persuaded many others to follow him and they formed Township Black. Throughout history, the two Townships have constantly been engaged in war. Travelers and passer-bys were the biggest victims, for they did not know the true character of Township Black and many were enticed by its colourful and broad-minded ways. Before they could save themselves, many were ensnared by vices with no means of escape. Conversely, the first perception many have of Township White is that their ways are too narrow and straight, with no allowance for anything fun. What they did not know is that the King of Township White was a merciful and loving King who constantly looked out for his people. Even those who were trapped in Township Black, if they but call on His name, he would send his army to rescue them.

Township Black was literally the mirror opposite of everything that existed in Township White. The White Rook was the friendliest and he and his fellow Rooks worked together and formed a formidable force to protect Township White. Township Black followed this tactic and created Black Rooks as well – seemingly to protect but mainly to harm. The White Knight was the leader in battle and had on him at all times the Armour of the King. While the Black Knight did not have such as armour, he had fiery darts of lies and deception. The White Bishop was the pastor of the local church and provided the essential spiritual food for the people. The Black Bishop however told false prophesies and heresies. Sadly, many were taken in by the lies and promises of the Black Bishop. In Township White, even the mere plebian White Pawn had an important role to play, for in battle, they played a part in helping to defend their township, square by square. In Township Black, the Black Pawns were treated like parasites and many could be seen scurrying in the shadows, doing the evil biddings of their evil King.

Despite the obvious and vast differences, many choose Township Black for that momentary pleasure and enjoyment. They live for the day without regard for the consequence of their actions. One day, Township White will launch an attack on Township Black, a battle so great, the day has been named the Armageddon. Until then, the good people of Township White know that they need to support each other, to fight that constant battle with Township Black. The King of Township White has promised that He will be with them always, even until the end of the world. And in that, they take comfort and look forward to the day they finish well and earn the right to say “Checkmate!”

The Land of Checkmate

i'm doing this mini write up that explains the purpose of the YF camp theme. i've always liked the idea of the camp to be like a journey or story, so i decided to design the camper like a story book. so this section would be the prologue. i did the first draft, and feedback was that the story should show that the townships of black and white should be fighting each other, rather than be amicable neighbours. so here is draft 1 and draft 2. (:

Once upon a time, in the Land of Chess, there were two townships – Black and White. In each township, there lived a King and His bride, the Queen. And they were happy.

There were many genteel and lady nobles living in the Land of Chess – Rook, Bishop, Knight and common townfolk who were known as Pawn. Rook was the friendliest, he and his fellow Rooks worked together and formed a formidable force. This was particularly useful when they had quibbles with the opposing townships or during the Festival of CheckMate. Bishop was the pastor of the local church and provided spiritual food for the township. Knight was the leader in battle and had on him at all times the Armour of the King. This included the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Shoes of Peace, the Shield of Faith, the Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit. Even the mere plebian Pawn had an important role to play, for in battle, they played a part in helping to defend their township, square by square.

Every year during the Festival of CheckMate, the good people of the Land of Chess role played an ancient battle that pitted the township of Black and the township and White against each other. The aim of the role play was for one township to capture the other township while maintaining security of their township. In order to win, the citizens of each township had to work closely together and support each other. Only then can that township successfully win.

Each citizen with their individual strengths played a part in ensuring that their King remained unscathed in this mock battle. The choices each piece made during the mock battle mirrored the choices they made everyday and was a reminder on the importance of looking out for each other in their journey through the Land of Chess, according to the plan the King had for each and every one of them. 

Friday, September 12, 2008

i'm eyeing these...

it is flawless.
and it is polished chocolate.
sounds yummy isn't it?
yes it is! 


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

packing, and packing and PACKING

okay, that is a bad picture. but i just wanted to show you my new uber cute dishes! there's mini office stationery in it. the past few days, weeks, i've been rather obsessed with packing. (i can hear andrew groaning already "OH NO! not again!" haha.) its like i caught a spring cleaning bug (or other bugs - been feeling under the weather lately). first it was sherwin's stuff (he has TONNES for a nine year old), then it was my room - some reorganising. got some box folders, files, mini files, stationery, ikea boxes, various found containers and re-arranged and packed stuff. then back to sherwin's stuff. it almost seems like i can't stop myself. and then when i've packed things, i get really peeved when the maid or sherwin or other people find or use things and just leave 'em there and don't put it back where they belong. they start to chuck things aside, and things start to pile up again. its so frustrating. i have a foreboding - i feel my perfectionist self creeping up again. and that isn't too good. i get very tired out when that happens. in secondary school, when i started making notes and thereby just started doing mindmaps, the perfectionism was so bad that i would re-do my notes just so they would look nice. it was more for the appearance rather than for making notes/studying. ahwells. there's a stamp "embrace imperfection". so i'm trying to convince myself that imperfection is part and process of art and life. so yea. :D

on the other hand, squiggletown just had a truckload of updates in the inked section!
here's a gator notebook for andrew...
school notebook for myself...
very in love with woodgrain see. 

hmm. besides notebooks and perfectionism, i've been getting alot of driving time(: been trying to fine-tune my parking, my estimation, sense of direction and most importantly confidence. i realise now while giving my friends lifts the immense responsibility that driving brings. andrew and i were planning some "us" time tomorrow, but the plans were jolted by the realisation that i have class tmr instead of today. ): upsetting. but we're probably going to still try and have some "us" time and do some fun stuff - hopefully of which there will be bowling and a run involved. (: oOohh! and a home-cooked taco dinner

exciting. (: okay, think i'm going to do some random embroidering. 