Once upon a time in the Land of Chess, there were two opposing townships – White and Black. The two townships albeit near, were as different as day and night; good and evil. The King and Queen of Township White were gracious, Godly and good. The King and Queen of Township Black however were malicious, Machiavellian and malignant.

Legend has it that a long time ago, the two townships were actually one united country. One of the princes decided that he was as good, if not better than the King and should be the one ruling. He staged a revolt that ended in his exile. Along with him, he persuaded many others to follow him and they formed Township Black. Throughout history, the two Townships have constantly been engaged in war. Travelers and passer-bys were the biggest victims, for they did not know the true character of Township Black and many were enticed by its colourful and broad-minded ways. Before they could save themselves, many were ensnared by vices with no means of escape. Conversely, the first perception many have of Township White is that their ways are too narrow and straight, with no allowance for anything fun. What they did not know is that the King of Township White was a merciful and loving King who constantly looked out for his people. Even those who were trapped in Township Black, if they but call on His name, he would send his army to rescue them.
Township Black was literally the mirror opposite of everything that existed in Township White. The White Rook was the friendliest and he and his fellow Rooks worked together and formed a formidable force to protect Township White. Township Black followed this tactic and created Black Rooks as well – seemingly to protect but mainly to harm. The White Knight was the leader in battle and had on him at all times the Armour of the King. While the Black Knight did not have such as armour, he had fiery darts of lies and deception. The White Bishop was the pastor of the local church and provided the essential spiritual food for the people. The Black Bishop however told false prophesies and heresies. Sadly, many were taken in by the lies and promises of the Black Bishop. In Township White, even the mere plebian White Pawn had an important role to play, for in battle, they played a part in helping to defend their township, square by square. In Township Black, the Black Pawns were treated like parasites and many could be seen scurrying in the shadows, doing the evil biddings of their evil King.
Despite the obvious and vast differences, many choose Township Black for that momentary pleasure and enjoyment. They live for the day without regard for the consequence of their actions. One day, Township White will launch an attack on Township Black, a battle so great, the day has been named the Armageddon. Until then, the good people of Township White know that they need to support each other, to fight that constant battle with Township Black. The King of Township White has promised that He will be with them always, even until the end of the world. And in that, they take comfort and look forward to the day they finish well and earn the right to say “Checkmate!”
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