i know this sounds quite silly, but i scrapped this cup with all intent of using it as it is meant to be, a coffeecup. but this was a freebie and as freebies sometimes go, it smelt somewhat weird. so i decided not to use it afterall. now i'm wondering what to do with the nice scrapped sheet that i put inside. perhaps i shall craft it into a sort of abstract notebook...i mean one could never have enough notebooks right? :D
got tonnes of work to do.
there is church tmr.
i need to exercise and take my vits.
they say exercise isn't really the cure to cellulite.
i wonder if that is true.
"they" meaning the loreal ad for their cellulite cream.
so maybe the info isn't trustworthy.
i need a spa...or a scrub.
i need to get offline.
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