bought some gorgeous fuchsia polka dotted cupcake liners. was going to use them to make mini-baskets for chocolate easter eggs! (although i know technically speaking easter & eggs don't have thaaat much of a relation, but the alliteration sold me! plus its rampant and assumed to be part of easter, so.) mom bought a bag of chocolate eggs from queensland, i shredded some lime green paper and ta-dahh! easter basket. included a little note and a verse, matthew 28:6, which reads, "He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. " and i made banana walnut muffins again last saturday - i think the stress of the impending tests required some muffins. thinking of making cupcakes this week tho. we'll see (:

and the gorgeous poster you just saw there is made by andrew! (: its for the upcoming yf retreat. do come if you can. details are in the fine print.
xo* sheryl
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