this lovely lovely precious moments princessy figurine is from mom for my 21st. slightly belated but very much appreciated nonetheless. i recently got a present from my grandma too. so here's a collage of some of the presents that i got and really like (mostly because i got to choose all of them myself! haha)

click on the polaroid pile to see who got me what. my grandma's present is the most recent, its a marquis cut blue topaz. i've always wanted a coloured gemstone ring. andrew got me the grape prima crocs, lysa + caleb, mel and jel got me the jansport (i took a leap of faith with the colour -
PINK. usually i play safe and get neutral tones like brown or blue. so i decided to get things outside my comfort zone, like black totes and pink haversacks. haha) and last but definitely not least, the beautiful diamond cross necklace from my dad. its almost one caret and each section looks like a tiny poinsettia and all clustered to form said cross. its really pretty. especially close-up. and i'm really really grateful for these presents. i feel like its a nice collection of things for a coming-of-age birthday. (:

aunty bear bear got me these uber cute tupperware keychains. apparently its exclusive only to tupperware agents. i love tupperware! the other day i packed a picnic for andrew and i and used tonnes of tupperware in a multitude of shapes and colours.
i think andrew was overwhelmed - not by the act but the amount of tupperware. haha.
i think he envisions that our house will be filled with tupperwares and ikea jars.
(i don't think that notion is too far off)
anyhoo, they are just the right size for a daily dosage of vitamins.
so in it goes.
1 in my bag.
1 on my table.
1 in the chevy.

so our mini road trip on sat. we drove around, bought
every burger - andrew's favourite snack as a kid, and me, always seeing it as a kid but never getting the chance to eat it. so that day was the first day i ate it and its super yummy. and addictive. i envision a burger themed birthday party and this would make for great snacks!

good ole brownies topped with walnuts + choc chips (i say topped because andrew doesn't like walnuts in his brownies so i top them so he can take it out easily, instead of rummaging through the brownie. so why even put it in there, you ask. well. mom and i like walnuts. and i always feel there needs to be balance in food - crunch/fudge - you get the idea.) brought 8 to school for mom and her colleagues and served it with vanilla viennettia ice-cream.
you know what was really sweet. when andrew took a bite, he said he reminded him of sec 4. cos that was when i first made them for him. he said it was the exact same taste! amazing. except of course last time i didn't make them in cupcake form, i made them in bars and put them in ugly disposable take-out boxes. haha. i've learnt. cupcake brownies in brown paperbags. (:
he and i both remember meeting early before flag raising at the umbrella table behind the classrooms, making sure we got to see each other before school started. (knowing that i would get to meet him was what motivated me to get up every morning. it still amazes me how i could wake up for school. its was so early!) then i would sneak him the box of brownies and he would put it in his school bag and sneak bites of it in class. haha.
okay. fast-forward back to present day 2009.

altered this notebook (this was what i was talking about yesterday) for my mom.
and am super inspired by elsie's new camper kit. i really love her style. the colours are so retro!

haha. ALRIGHT! finally a more substantial post. (:
rhinestones, sequins, feathers, speech bubble-shaped objects and coloured pencils