Monday, December 22, 2008

life in rainbow colours

picture via craftzine. i love the felted acorns! mostly because its a mix between between nature and felt (its almost my favourite material!). anyhoo, because half the world is in this wintery bliss now, there is a whole lot of felting, knitting, crocheting projects out there in blogland. and honestly, i'm VERY tempted to pick it up. but what with scrapbooking, baking, sewing, beading and whatnot, i think i should wait till i've got more time. but my mom used to crochet, so i got loads of yarn and needles to do so. okay, back to writing Christmas cards and gift wrapping! (:

p/s: andrew just got me an absolutely lovely ring for Christmas. its so princess-fairytale-like. thanks love! (will try and post a picture soon!)

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