pictures of my noticeboard as promised! (:
btw, the chalkboard that says "i am very smart" is NOT my table. its sandra's. haha.

so here's the broad view...

a little closer to see the whole layout. basically, my previous cork board had a lot of hanging paraphernalia that went all the way down, including behind my moocow chalkboard. so it was kinda messy. all the hanging metal stuff like key rings and bullclips got rusty. so i decided to pare it down a little. and neaten things up. i had a lot of to-do lists lying on my table too, so i decided clipboards were the way to go! sourced for nice woodgrain clipboards so that they would go with my table and the corkboard.

well, i couldn't bear not having any hanging notes at all, so i had a corset / ballet shoes type of string, where i can either slot photos and notes in, or use some (i've got truckloads. think i was collecting them at one point...hmm...) wooden pegs to pin them up. that part is kinda messy, but its okay, i can live with that. i like some variation. (:

one of my to-do lists. reminders to eat vits, exercise, creams, scrub, and to be neat. i forgot to write read the newspapers and do QT. but that should soon be a habit. hopefully.

so i've got 2 chalkboards on my table. one hanging up with little clips so i can clip stuff and write about it. the other is my moocow. so i've got a little bag of white chalk there. i've got some coloured ones too, but they're all in little bits. plus white always seems to stand out better against black, so yea.
and i love grid paper. LOVE. i find that doodling on grid paper seems to create nicer sketches. maybe its the grids. hmm.

my tigger figurine from andrew. tigger's my fav from the winnie the pooh series. heffalump follows closely as the next fav. and the super cute toast post-it from fredflare. the post-it is supposed to be the butter on the toast. thats another thing stationery essential in my book - post-its. so i've got heaps lying around.

baby shoes! the weebok pair is shared with mich and the converse is shared with andrew. (:

the crocs is for me to put my samsung soul when i'm doing work. the snow globe reminds me of my favourite season - Christmas. and the post-its dispenser. there's a small tin of burt's bees cuticle butter from US on it. i seem to do random things when i study sometimes, like apply cuticle butter. haha. you can see my lamp berger sticking out from the back. my page up stand is hidden tho. page up is pretty handy too. i got the mini ones too, but honestly they're kinda useless. :p unless its for propping up small cards. big ole' A4 documents need the regular-sized page up.

bucket of pencils and pens. i've got a knack for stationery. sometimes to get myself into a studying mood i buy stationery. i know, i know - wasteful. andrew tells me that all the time. haha. i'm trying to curb it by looking through my stash to see what i haven't used in awhile and use it. its kinda like the feeling of buying something new i guess? :D btw, the heart pen right smack in the middle there was my v'day present to the girls! helped san make a truckload of pencils for her classmates and had some for the other church people too.

cross stitch from benji. but he confessed yvonne was the one who sewed it actually. haha. but i really like it. its a precious moments ballerina. i used to take ballet when i was in primary school. i would have continued if not for the obviously, very gay and imposing ballet instructor. yes, my ballet teacher was male. i would take it up now, but then i would be stuck with little kids and compared to them, my elephant thighs would be such an embarrassment. (which reminds me, i really should go running...) oOohh, more post-its there! my favourite post-it at the moment are these kraft coloured ones. now, if they had grid post-its...oh my!

tiny owl painting that i did. the size is about that of a post-it square! quotes by Gordon Dryden and Walt Disney next to it.
"people will exceed the targets they set for themselves." - Gordon Dryden.
"if you can dream it, you can do it." Walt Disney.

and a super cute fireman pencil that andrew got me last year...or two years back. i don't remember exactly when. it was one of those random, impulsive gifts. very sweet. next month would be our 4 and half years anniversary. we're getting old and mouldy! haha.
okay, and so ends my tour of my table. what does your table look like? (san, not referring to yours. haha. i see yours right next to mine!)
we might be doing a little overhaul of the house, come end-of-year. this is instead of going for a holiday. cos my school term might stretch two weeks more. (confounded projects!) which again reminds me, i need to do my communication journal.
p/s: (andrew) heyy babe! here's the
link to elsie's online class i wanted you to see. i'm so tempted to sign up for it? its like you getting to talk to jay cutler!!! tell me what you think okay? :D
hey.. hahaha nice table btw. but my table is NICER. haaha..
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