i bought a new stoneware cup. love the colour - matte creamy grey. i saw a tea set made from the same materials but in this lovely creamy pea colour.
other notable events - cotty got a new cage! (cotty is my rabbit) it has 2 levels and its on wheels! so we can wheel him to wherever we want. (: i put the hay on the upper deck, so that he has to exercise to get food (but also because the base floor has holes for his poop and pee to go through and the hay will just fall through if its left there). but sometimes when he gets lazy he just reaches up and nibbles at the hay around the edge of the deck. uberly adorable.
andrew has left for his "short" sailing trip today. i say "short" but honestly its going to feel like eons. i have decided i shall keep busy by trying to finish up my truckload of assignments and readings (hopefully that will ease the "wanting-to-see-andrew" syndrome). plus i'm comforting myself by saying that next week i'm going to see him practically 24-7 during church camp. and its also because of church camp that i've got alot of work to do, because i'll be missing a week of school so i'll need to catch up and all. finally managed to print the readings (thanks thulasi!). still need to organise them and come up with a workable system. you know, its partly because i have all the resources i need from home that i'm a tad bit reluctant to go to aussieland to study. plus the comfort of home and familiarity. everyone says that i should go for the experience. plus the fact i feel like a second class student because i'm studying from here and not at campus, coupled with the fact that i'm still pretty sore about not getting into nus or ntu. its like, "since-i'm-already-not-in-a-local-uni-i-might-as-well-go-overseas" type of mentality. but the school fees as they are cost a bomb and then there's the added cost of textbooks. i need to print my readings from the net, so printing cost, which is "nil" here because dad buys the ink, but will probably cost alot more if i go over. everyone talks about wanting independence and freedom, but i've been seriously thinking about the notions of words like that, and well, all i can say is i'm glad i'm still 20. i don't think i'm ready to be fully responsible for myself. responsible in all senses, especially monetary. but *yikes, i've only got another 8 months to not be an adult. its funny how you look forward to it your entire life and then dread it when its imminent.
p/s: btw, whenever i upload pictures into albums on shutterfly, i'll put a link at the end of the post. you can get all the posts with shutterfly links by clicking the label "shutterfly" at the sidebar. squiggletown links are at the bottom of the site. (:
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