hello everyone,
my name is Andrew. (as you can tell, i dont do this often, or at all, which explains my awkward introduction).
I just want to give big thank you to Sheryl for creating this. its quite awesome to share a blog with someone i love.
i am 20, and stuck in army.eight more months till i finish national service. i am a bodybuilder(which is just about the most self-centred sport) and i'm actually a fan of this guy Jay Cutler(pic above), the current mr olympia.
i'm supposed to be reviewing a christian literature i just completed but i'm actually quite tired now and would not do justice to the book which by the way is titled "finishing well" by David W.F.Wong. so more about the book on the next post.
i'm going to talk a little about bodybuilding like Sheryl mentioned(knows me too well). Unlike the misconception the public has about bodybuilding, it is actually the best sport ever(of course its subjective)
Its not about chugging endless amount of protein shakes, nor lifting a moderate weight to "tone up" like in men's health.(by the way, there's no such thing as 'tone up' unless you are a girl, you either squat till you puke or not lift at all)
Bodybuilding is a lifestyle. Its about spot on diets(6-7 meals a day), endless knowledge, discipline and of course, heavy ass weights that threatens to crush you unless you bring it back up. and that is why i love it, it changes your life. God willing, i'd love to look like Jay one day. alright, enough rants. Shall leave you guys with a video, pictures speaks a thousand words after all.
love you baby. by the way, the picture at the top is my favourite picture i took together with Sheryl, we just love our explorations and walks dont we?